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Welcome to! is a unique site allowing jobseekers and employers to connect in finding the right job or employee opportunity for them. Our site offers jobseekers to search and apply for jobs, receive periodic alerts of job listings, manage their resumes and special features like our private messaging system between employers and possible candidates. All that and much more! And it’s absolutely FREE! Join us today by registering as a Jobseeker or Employer. An opportunity just right for you is just one click away!

User Registration

To begin your experience with Our Jobs, please select your role in the employment process, if you are looking for employment or want to get hired, simply select "Jobseeker", and if your are looking for people to hire or work for you, please select "Employer".




Find Durham region jobs

Durham jobseekers can find that dream job for FREE with features including

Simple registration

Search and apply for Jobs in just a few clicks

Interact with Employers through Private Messaging System

Track your resume/profile viewed by Employers

Get periodic Job Alerts in your inbox


Durham Employer for FREE can find suitable applicants. We enable you to,

Post a job in easy steps and start receiving applications the same day

Private Messaging between Employers and Jobseekers

Find the right candidates easily and quickly through our Powerful Search Engine

Zero in on a localized search

Did we mention it was FREE!